General Inquiries

The California Wheelburners encourage contacts. Whether you are a past, present, or future attendee we would like to hear from you. We especially understand that if you have not previously attended a Wheel Burners event or perhaps any action shooting event, then you might have questions. We are interested in helping your attendance be a fun experience and will provide you whatever information you think would promote that. Your continued interest and attendance is what keeps our sport and our club healthy. If, after carefully reviewing the info on this website, you have unanswered questions or if you just want to introduce yourself please use this Contact link to message us.

Web Site Comments

If you have noticed an error or omission or feel there is something we should add or modify that would improve the content of this website please use this Webmaster link to send a suggestion.

Join Our Email List

We send out emails for such things as match reminders and information, website updates, club and range news, nearby matches or other items we think shooters may be interested in knowing. If you would like to receive these emails use this Contact to submit your request. It involves a several step handshake process designed to reduce spamming.

Staff - Click on name to send email

Admin #1:  Andy Bonetto
Admin #2:  Sean Hughes
Webmaster:  Dan Hall



This page was last modified on 2 Mar 24